To support the OSS community and help fund the ecosystem around Prisma, Prisma launched the Prisma Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Fund in April 2022.

How does the program work?

Through the Prisma FOSS Fund, each month Prisma will donate a one-off amount of $500 to a selected open-source project.

👩🏾‍💻 Money will be distributed to independent, actively maintained open-source projects.

🗓 Funded projects will be announced each month on social media and on this page.

How the nomination process works 📊

➡️ The Prisma team can nominate projects they believe deserve support.

👥 The Developer Connections team, and representatives from the Prisma engineering teams review all nominations on a quarterly basis.

To qualify, nominees need to meet the following criteria:

Projects owned or managed by Prisma employees cannot be nominated.

🗳️ Finally, the entire company votes to select three recipients each quarter to receive the one-time stipend of $500.
