
👋 Welcome to the A Practical Introduction to Prisma with MongoDB workshop.


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GitHub starter project



In order to successfully complete the tasks in the workshop, you should have:

That's it 🙌 (no prior knowledge about MongoDB or Prisma is required)

What you'll do

In this workshop, you'll learn about various workflows that are useful to know when using Prisma.

You'll start by setting up Prisma with a MongoDB database, learn about data modeling with Prisma and mapping your Prisma data model to MongoDB (lesson 1).

Then, you'll learn about Prisma Client, a type-safe query builder that can be used to query your database. You're going to explore various queries, from plain CRUD, to relation queries, to filters and pagination (lesson 2).

Next, you'll learn how you can use Prisma Client to implement the routes of a REST API (lesson 3).

Finally, we'll cover how you can use Prisma Client to implement the resolvers of a GraphQL API (lesson 4).
